




满足国际性安全系统定点生产需要,以准时、快速和准确的服务,交付行业领先的质量。 作为站在弹簧行业前沿的团队,我们承诺在我们的产品和产能中不断注入创新和发掘降低成本的元素。 投资和使用最先进的高质量工具、方法和数控机床技术。 我们工艺精湛的团队高度自主,以开放、透明、诚实的态度进行沟通和合作,为客户提供产品由始至终的全程支持 —— 由概念验证、设计、制造到测试。 在不断演变的世界中拥抱改造和变革可以保证我们的产品和服务始终如一地超越客户的期望 .

我们是Home族拥有和经营的企业,以强大的价值观体现在营运之中,我们训练有素、工艺熟练的员工检查每一个弹簧,确保它们都能有效运作且满足其生命周期的需要。 如果产品设计出现落差或质量不能得到操控,我们会如实告诉客户,即使这样做会使我们失去订单 !

內置質量 | APQP | PPAP | MSA | PFMEA

  • cert_as9100
  • cert_nadcap
  • cert_ads21
  • cert_cyber-essentials
  • cert_disability
  • Joscar Registered
  • Make UK
aeroplane on runway
I have been working with G&O since October 2019 and I could never say a bad word against this company. I have always been supported with important and critical items and as a company they are meeting my personal requirements. The business relationship with G&O is strong even during the hard times of the COVID-19 pandemic. G&O is self managing the VMI system each week I am up to date with any part number supplied by them. I would recommend anyone at anytime a collaboration with G&O. Tomasz Grabarek Material Controller - Incora
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